Week 6

Congrats! This week you finish up on the Gospel of Matthew by focusing on something that has been dubbed “The Great Commission”. But this isn’t the only “go” that Jesus commanded His followers to “do”. In fact, most times when He gave a command to go, He included a command to “do.” (See Matthew 9:13, 10:7 & Luke 10:36-37)

The Greek word (Greek was the original language of the New Testament) we translate go carried a meaning of “as you go about your way.” While we can take each command as “go do this now,” we also can take it as “do this as you go about your day.” As you reflect on this weeks “Go” from Jesus, think on what God might be calling you to do “as you go about your way” today. After you’ve reflected, meditated and journaled, consider putting a plan in motion to follow through with the go-and-do command that Jesus speaks to your heart. You can think of it as your personal great commission.