New Power

Hopefully you are beginning to see that Jesus, who impacted the lives of real people in the past, is calling you each day to trust Him to impact your everyday life. This is what a “real world” faith in Jesus looks like.

In John 5 we see for the first time that Jesus has the power to heal …AND FORGIVE. This claim will freak out the religious leaders of His day, but Jesus wants us to trust Him here and truly step out of the shadows into His powerful love. And what does this look like in real life? It will look like us walking in victory over the sins and situations that drag us down physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. That’s the power of the Good News of Jesus.

Today, lets focus on the fifth chapter of the Gospel of John. When you have the time, watch this short video… and when prompted read John 5:1-15.

Now read the rest of John 5. And again, don’t forget to pray for God to reveal His truth to you as you read.


You have finished the “NEW LIFE” walk through the first 5 chapters of John. If you’d like to continue your journey through the Book of John click the New 6-10 link in the menu on this page.

Thanks… and have a blessed day!