New Joy

Life happens…and sometimes it gets crazy. What kind of hope do we have when life goes a little sideways?

In today’s chapter you’ll see Jesus step into someones story in an incredible way. We won’t meet the marriage party, but their “new beginning” is about to be off to a rocky start. Thankfully, Jesus is there and, unbeknownst to them, will handle the whole situation with just a few simple, but powerful, words. In chapter one, John told us this about Jesus: that “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”. This is what it looks like when “the Word” speaks into your life.

Today, lets focus on the second chapter of the Gospel of John. When you have the time, watch this short video. Remember to pause the video and read John 2:1-11 when prompted:)

Okay, now read the rest of John 2. In addition to writing down key insights and questions, be sure to spend time before or after reading the Bible, asking God to help you hear Him speak to you through His Word. You’ll notice in the chapters to come that the “transformative” power of Jesus is usually linked to belief in what Jesus says.

Have a blessed day!